
French Art Showing Chocolate

Following Spain and Italy, France was early in the European adoption of chocolate into their culture. With little to no hesitation, the French loved chocolate, and it quickly became a popular delicacy. In a few instances throughout our data collection, we noticed French artwork depicting chocolate as a tool for socializing. For example, the hectic scene of "Operating a Fools Stone" shows a man serving chocolate in the back of the tavern-like establishment full of rowdy guests letting loose. Was the stimulating cacao substance to blame for their behavior? In another depiction, "Un Cavalier, Et une Dame Beuvant du Chocolate"​​​​​​, a group sips on drinking chocolate will socializing with one another, and the cacao is used as further indication of luxury and wealth.

In contrast, French works notably depict dark skinned people facing the brunt of labor that went on behind cacao production. Many of these particular pieces showcase beautiful landscapes and natural elements that take the focus away from the brutality of the slave trade and colonization in which cacao production was heavily reliant.  


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